
Changes at Work

Apparently, one of my colleagues, told my boss (again, not that boss) about my last two blog entries (Rant: Open source is not secure and The Joel Test). So now, there are undergoing changes. WOOT!

I was asked to write a document describing advantages of Subversion versus Vault. It makes perfect sense - I think I'm the guy who knows the most about Subversion in this company. Heck, I even have some ongoing spare time projects, involving Subversion, Python and hooks :P. However, after I updated my rant, I really started leaning towards Perforce, instead of Subversion. So, I think I'm going to get Perforce, and evaluate it locally on my computer (it has some options for free evaluation - see licensing page for more info). I guess I'll write more than just one document... ;)

Oh, I think I should be fair and mention something in Vault's defense - I'm not as angry on it as I was yesterday... Although, what I wrote about it is still true - I'm kind of getting used to it. Yeah, it slows me down, but at least I already figured out how to perform the most basic tasks. Anyway, I still think that lock-less version control method is much better, so I'm not giving up my hopes to use Subversion or Perforce at work.

I'll post updates about our score on The Joel Test as soon as it changes. :)

1 comment:

Paul R said...

Sorry that the (unfortunate) default setting in Vault is exclusive-lock. It's there so that VSS upgraders see what they expect.

Our preferred, recommended, setup is concurrent, edit-merge-commit mode. Vault absolutely does not *require* locks -- it's just as happy without them. That's how we use it at SourceGear, and what we recommend for our customers.